Owen looked so cute in his Easter outfit! I'm taking full advantage of the few years I have where he'll wear whatever I pick out! God knows Jon would never let me buy him a matching sweater vest and dress shirt!
We went to brunch with my family on Easter morning at Walnut Creek. A local farm had set up a small "petting farm" at the country club for the kids enjoy. We had a hard time tearing Owen away from the animals!
At home opening the eggs that the Easter bunny left.
New outfit, hand picked by Mom!
The ducks were a favorite . . .
. . . so was the mini-goat . . .
. . . and the one-eyed horse.
"Here Jalen, give me your hand. Seriously, they don't bite!"
Owen's favorite part of the meal; ice cream with M&Ms
Jalen's favorite part; Rice Krispie treat.
These boys love their sweets!
Required family holiday photo.
* Posting may be sparse for the near future. As many of you have heard, we will be moving in the next couple of months so things are busy! Not only that, but our digital camera is broken, so there will be no new pictures to upload for awhile! I'd like to say it was Owen's fault but the camera was working before I carried it around in my purse for a couple days :(