Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years!

How I spent New Years Day: by Owen Zischke

Got up and read books . . .

Got dressed in my new super-cute outfit . . .

Helped Mom clean the house for company . . .

Hung out with Miller & Bailey after eating all day!

My New Years Resolutions:
1) Give up my binkie
2) Learn more words
3) Listen to my Mom & Dad
4) Try to persuade Mom I need a dog
5) Try to persuade Dad I should be allowed to go on his "man-cation", I am almost 2, you know!!!


reginastan said...

This is hilarious... Happy New Years to Katie, Jon, and Owen!

Jena said...

I think all ages should be welcome on the Man-cation. Give Mom a break!
Happy New Year!